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What Should We Do About Mom or Dad?

Timeless Connections

Most of us will at some point in our lives be faced with helping to make decisions for an elderly parent or relative. This can be quite challenging, to say the least! While we see more and more senior housing complexes, assisted living facilities and personal care homes opening up, in addition to the nursing homes that exist, how do we know what is the right option? There are also a myriad of services available to help seniors remain in their own home.

Some of this information may be available through your local Office of Aging department. However, they are limited in what they can provide due to very high caseloads, dealing with abuse and neglect situations, etc. There are also various senior directories that provide listings of home care agencies, home health companies, and facilities. While these are helpful, they can also be overwhelming if you don’t know where to begin.

Timeless Connections offers elder care consults to help you to chart your way through all of the resources available, including housing, legal, financial, and in-home services. Specifically, our consult fee of $150 includes an office visit to discuss your specific situation, which is then followed up by a written list of resources provided to you within a week that address your unique needs and interests. I also offer in-home consults for those who prefer this over meeting at my Mechanicsburg office. I have worked with the senior population for over 30 years and am familiar with most of the resources in the surrounding central PA area and look forward to helping you to plan for the best possible situation for your loved one!





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